Director, Writer, Cinematographer

the moon a train away

“Teens on the cusp of high school graduation ask questions they’re unsure  if they want the answers to, about their future, about love, and growing up in all its glory and heartbreak.”

“the moon a train away” is Julia’s most recent work, and has officially entered the festival circuit as of April 2024. Public release is set for Spring of 2025. Get a sneak peak of the trailer below.


Director, Writer, Cinematographer

“This film shows the experience of lost relationships through the eyes of a young girl. "Stranger" is a story of love, loss, and the regret through passing of time.”

“Stranger” has been shortlisted at multiple festivals around the world most recently awarded “Best Performances” at the December 2023 Under 5 Feedback Festival as well as placing as a semi-finalist at the Sweden Film Awards (SFA) in Stockholm.

Breath of a songbird


“A film about passion, sacrifice, and priority.”

“Breath of a Songbird” with direction by Yuval Amit most recently won “Best Shortfilm” at the Guerilla Film Festival in Los Altos, California. Julia worked as the cinematographer on this film.


Included below are directors podcasts and blogs by festivals detailing the behind-the-scenes work of “Stranger”.